Ancienne inspiratrice de Tricky, elle a aussi chanté sur ses albums. C'était du trip hop dans l'esprit de MASSIVE ATTACK en plus noir. C'était il y a maintenant 10 ans... Elle a musicalement évolué, mais a su rester vraie et touchante. Elle ne s’égare pas et réalise l’album qui lui ressemble le mieux. Sa mélancolie, son éducation punk, son désir d’être inclassable se ressentent énormément.
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She gave inspiration to Tricky, she also sang on its albums. It was trip hop in the spirit of MASSIVE ATTACK more black. It was now 10 years ago... She evolved a lot, but remains true and touching. It is not mislaid and carries out the album which is more next to the image that I have from her. Its melancholy, its punk education, its desire to be unclassable feel enormously.
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