lundi 27 avril 2009

TELEPATHE Dance mother

Capitale d'une forme de hip-hop que j'adore, mais aussi carrefour du rock alternatif , je vous emmene à Brooklyn (petit clin d'oeil à José et Christine):
C'est un nouveau groupe, TELEPATHE, formé de Busy Gangnes et Melissa Livaudais. Elles ont lancé cet ovni sortant de l'ordinaire et je trouve ce disque vraiment original et même plus audacieux que MGMT, eux que je les aime que sur certains titres!
Ce duo féminin mêle à leur electro-pop des touches de musique world (rythmes et chants aux sonorités ethniques, comme dans "Lights Go Down", période post punk ou un peu comme TV On Radio) et puis du hip-hop destructuré. On passe de l'electro vigoureuse et réjouissante de "So Fine" à l'émotion étrange de "In Your Line" en un battement de coeur et sans se sentir désorienté. C'est qu'à la production opère un petit génie : le ''TV On The Radio'' David Sitek, qui rate rarement son coup. D'un coup de baguette magique, Sitek a harmonisé le tout, transformant les blips synthétiques en pop à l'état pure (enfin pop avant-gardiste, qu'on soit bien d'accord), conservant juste assez de dissonances pour éviter de tomber dans le sirupeux.


Pulsating rhythms and synth riffs are the order of play for Brooklynites Busy Gangnes and Melissa Livaudais 's debut album as Telepathe. It follows 2006's EP Farewell Forest, which was recorded on an eight - track, and a smattering of festival appearances in 2008. As such, it feels like it's been a long time coming.Indeed the album took the duo nearly a year to record. They started with vague ideas for songs in December 2007, after which they took Dave Sitek of TV On the Radio on board as a producer, which was only going to up the ante of expectation. How much of the resulting record's sound is down to him is necessarily moot, but the dense, shifting sonic layers will sound familiar to Sitek aficionados.So far, so experimental, but there's an unmistakable pop touch in amongst it all too.
Their mix of vocal harmonies and tribal drum patterns, especially on Your Line, are a very special thing a quiet betrter than MGMT at their best!

Dance Mother is not, and is clearly not made to be, easy listening - it's an admirably ambitious rather than lovable record, and it doesn't reveal its secrets in a single listen. It's also not at all danceable. But its adventurous textural melding of outré and familiar should reward anyone prepared to be patient.
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no pw
