mardi 16 août 2011

STEPHEN MALKMUS And The Jicks Mirror Traffic

C'est le dernier disque du créateur de PAVMENT c'est aussi bon et frais aussi bon que la chanson We dance, merveilleux souvenir....
go to the concert links in comment

lundi 25 juillet 2011


This sleeve is perfect and the name of the band and the title of this album is a lesson about what to do to win some attention with quality and class!
It’s rare these days that you come across a group of musicians that don’t want to be recognized in some way for their hard work, but such is the case with Black Light Dinner Party—a quartet of four anonymous producers all hailing from the United States. Their music is pure electro-pop, and—despite operating off the gimmick of mystery—it displays a rarely found maturity.

Their first single, “Older Together,” is a gorgeous, melodic track. The opening crystal synthesizer oddly evokes memories of “Sprawl II” by Arcade Fire for me, which—while brilliant—is also dangerous, in that before they have even established themselves they can be compared to a mature band such as Arcade Fire. Their second single, “Small Boxes,” won’t draw any comparisons to more established bands, but it is fantastic nonetheless. Operating with a lovely crystal-y refrain, it’s an infectious and catchy track with some fantastic hooks that ultimately leave you satisfied with the experience as a whole.

FROG EYES Paul's tomb a triumph

This is a record from the last year Ive heard some good stuffs about them so I ve tryed and loved them. This is a big big surprise, lets go try it!!!


I love the cover a first class originakl one, dont you?
Tropical is one of the bands with more hype on the internet for several months, takes out his debut album "Native To." An album full of melodies presented compelling and catchy synth pop with a retro feel and a tendency towards lo-fi, and that is to plug a gap in which there is a band that makes this particular type of music. And the style is tropical, is full of influences, a great mix of indie pop-rock bands like The Wombats 'and' Two Door Cinema Club, "and synth pop bands and electro pop, like 'Crystal Castles' 'The Whip' and 'The Black Ghosts'.

In the end I just found a great record and a very addictive sound. If the two songs developed by the band 'South Pacific' and 'The Greeks', and are super clear and rompepistas singles (especially 'The Greeks'), listen for the ten remaining others. And the album is full of sensational topics such as' Land of Nod ',' Lies', 'Berlin' and 'Ill Take My Chances. "Of course one of those albums that you can not miss one.
Do not forget to spend time at the concerts and giving love and hope to yours

WASHED OUT Within and Without

A new lo-fi record, I like it maybe because the so bad weather today or the low slow borring day I spend at the office, dont you!
This debut album 'Washed Out' is a project carried out by Ernest Greene,with the producer of Deerhunter and Animal Collective, Ben Allen, and comes after the brilliant and acclaimed EP 'Life of Leisure' for over a year ago.

And is that 'Washed Out' is one of the most important referents in a genre that is back relatively recently. A new chillwave is renewed day by day, living with the lo-fi and the glo-fi, and we find great bands like 'Teen Daze' or some tending strictly to glo-fi as 'Small Black'.

Certainly a very good album that surely like everyone who previously enjoyed the EP's 'Washed Out'. And with nine themes with lots of good melodic landscapes. Good songs such as 'Amor Fati', or two subjects developed 'Echoes' and 'Be Closed Eyes', drag getting to hear the rest of the songs sedate tempos and evocative melodies, accompanied by the kick of Ernest Greene.

dimanche 17 juillet 2011

YES Fly from here

A new Yes album with a new singer but the same old Dean's sleeve its magic and I like it so much I dont know why but thats it

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lets go to the next gig

samedi 2 juillet 2011

samedi 11 juin 2011


C'est un nouveau Justice ou quoi?
Sebastian dans «Total» c'est à nouveau les éléments qui ont fait la gloire de Justice, y compris les sons, et l'imagerie. Ce disque est puissant, électronique, avec un grand nombre de chansons, 22 titres de haute qualité, en français!
C'est à écouter et puis mon penchant pour les belles pochettes première clef pour découvrir un groupe, là on est servis non?

Try it and buy it if you dare, links in comment


Bien que du début des années 70 ce premier album, Band of Gold, est un chef-d'œuvre aux proportions épiques. La pochette typique de cet période a une note incluse: "la musique des gens, pour ceux qui aiment la pop, rhythm and blues, ballades, chants - à peu près tout»!
C'est un vrai album de la Motown, en particulier à travers des chansons comme "hooker Generation". Avec la majorité des chansons co-écrite par Ron Dunbar, qui allait faire partie de l'empire P-Funk, «Payne» a séduit son public d'abord avec le hit «Band of Gold» avant de plonger dans "Deeper and Deeper".
Ces deux musiques sont des ballades d'amour downtempo, livré avec une maturité et une richesse qui dépasse la plupart des ballades de l'époque.
Cet album c'est une pierre précieuse, il faut ouvrir ses oreilles et se laisser porter ça en vaut la peine!!!

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buy it if you find it ooohhh yyeeeeaaaaahhhhh!


Ce premier album de Seapony bénéficie d'un charme discret construit autour des chansons simples mais accrocheuses. Voix douce et guitares magiques, c'est la pop facile comme on l'aime, non?
Seapony est l'un des meilleurs groupes pop de l'année 2011, et aurait été l'un des meilleurs en 1991, en 1981 aussi...
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go to the concert and buy it if you like it

vendredi 6 mai 2011

MILES KANE Colour of the trap

Last night I did my ironing, oh yes, I also do household chores but still listening to music and there I listened to this album and I looped up late at night. This kind of record is really good, I can not wait to see them on stage...

ARCHES Wide Awake

Hi I am back on the road and need some new stuff to hear in search of inspiration, Im working on a new serie called Modern Pain what a program, so my friends listen this one real good fresh band and the sleeve the design are ok and you know my theory about the importance of the sleeve, try it buy it and go to concerts

vendredi 29 avril 2011

CASCADEUR The Human Octopus

J ai envie de me souvenir de la saveur qu’avaient mes balades au travers des vignes et des champs à la fin de mon adolescence. Je partais loin physiquement et mentalement finissant accroupis contre un arbre, à regarder défiler les nuages et sentir le vent. Le monde me semblait si beau si genereux. Je me souviens aussi de cet ami qui partageait mes craintes, mes peines et mes angoisses. Il n’existait pas vraiment. Il m’accompagnait, pour de vrai, dans un coin de ma tête. Il est parti, sans que je m’en rende compte. Avec le temps, j’ai fini par oublier son nom.

Etrange début et pourtant, à l’écoute de the Human Octopus, on découvre un monde innocent et suave, puissant et vivant comme l’enfance. Pour peu que tu te laisses ravir les sens par la résonnance des notes savamment dosées, tu retrouveras des saveurs épicées uniques : ton premier bisou sur la joue, ton premier bobo, ta première grande réussite, ta première défaite, ton premier « c’est pas juste », ton premier chagrin ; le goût inoubliable des crêpes, des promenades à vélo,… The Human Octopus a ce pouvoir d’ouvrir les entrailles et de faire jaillir les émotions à la surface, sans qu’on comprenne comment, ni pourquoi. C est une douce invite à te lancer dans ce grand voyage intérieur, à la recherche de ce monde essentiel qui sommeille en chacun de nous. Il y a une infinie poésie et quelque chose de profondément cinématographique : Walker ou Highway 01 sont de ces morceaux si intenses qu’ils suscitent des images, au-delà des émotions. On le doit aux arrangements ingénieux, parfois peu perceptibles, qui enrichissent les compositions pourtant si simples. Non, il n’y a rien de mirobolant dans les mélodies. The Human Octopus n’en est pas moins un album d’une grâce inouïe. C’est même d’une simplicité déconcertante – tellement déconcertante d’ailleurs, qu’elle donne envie de se lever et de d'ecrire des chansons. Tout est impeccablement à sa place, au bon endroit, au bon moment. Your Shadow se construit sur des phrases musicales courtes, sans grands effets pompeux. Comme un prélude de Bach à la sauce jazzy- soul, Waitin est surprenant de sensualité. Le petit jeu de syncope dans le morceau lui donne un groove à faire moover les épaules en cadences. La facture classique du piano se retrouve aussi dans Meaning, qui a l’allure, la tristesse et la volupté d’une gymnopédie de Satie. La seconde version, qui clôture l’album, est bouleversante au point de te retourner le cœur. C’est comme si des mômes reprenaient les paroles d’un parent cher, disparu, dont ils honoreraient la mémoire. Enfin, ByeBye, est une véritable réussite. Il y a quelque chose d'Animal kingdom dans la voix et les mots.

I am remembering the taste before my walks through vineyards and fields at the end of my adolescence. I went away physically, mentally and ending squatting against a tree to watch as the clouds and feel the wind. The world seemed so beautiful so generous. I also remember the friend who shared my fears, my sorrows and my fears. It did not really exist. He accompanied me, for real, in a corner of my head. He left, without my noticing. Over time, I ended up forgetting his name.

Strange beginning and yet listening to the Human Octopus, we discover a world innocent and sweet, powerful and living as children. As long as you let delight the senses with the resonance of the notes carefully measured, you will recover the unique spicy flavors: your first kiss on the cheek, your first bobo, your first major success, your first loss, your first "is not right, "your first grief, the unforgettable taste of pancakes, bike rides, ... The Human Octopus has the power to open the womb and bring forth the emotions to the surface, without an understanding of how or why . C is a sweet invites you to embark on this journey within, looking for that essential world that lies within us. There are an infinite poetry and something deeply cinematic Walker or Highway 01 are those pieces if they arouse intense images, beyond the emotions. We owe the ingenious arrangements, sometimes barely perceptible, which enrich the compositions yet so simple. No, there is nothing in the whopping melodies. The Human Octopus is nevertheless an album of extraordinary grace. That same amazingly simple - so disconcerting indeed, it makes you want to get up and write songs. Everything is perfectly in its place at the right place at the right time. Your Shadow is built on short musical phrases, pompous little impact. As a prelude from Bach to the jazz-soul sauce, waitin is surprising sensuality. The little game of syncope in the song gives it a groove to moove shoulders cadences. The classical style of piano is also found in Meaning, who really looks, sadness and voluptuousness of Satie's Gymnopedie. The second version, which closes the album, is overwhelming to the point you return to the heart. It is as if the kids repeated the words of a dear relative, who died, they would honor the memory. Finally, ByeBye, is a real achievement. Something Animal Kingdom in the voice and words.

lundi 18 avril 2011


Dont you remember the first time youve heard KYUSS in "the circus must leave" or when youve heard BLACK SABBATH the very first time? So you have to listen this fucking good band and I read something about the fact that they are from my town Bordeaux!!!! You have to listen and buy and play this music and please GO TO THE CONCERT!
links in comment

jeudi 24 mars 2011


Here is a french band very soft and original try it is to get it and the sleeve again is beautiful no?


So nice sleeve dont you think? The music is fine cool clear c est joli!

THE KILLS Blood pressures

Last 15 days ago I flyed from Paris to UK a close seeat from the man of this duo and I have to confirm he is a rocker like this record rough with a finger of class a bit like me no?


One of the uggliest cover of the year maybe from the last decade who knows? But here it is music sweet pianos melancholic words and a voice so fragile and nice... a good record from this sunny spring when it is too cold to walk outside alone and along the seashore!!!
try it is to get it
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vendredi 11 mars 2011

KNXWLEDGE Mango 2011

Some hip hop instrumentales? NNNOOO it is more than this there a mood something special a very urban is the music when I drive tonight to the next wet eyes fascinated by the lights and the people in the middle of the night and your hand on my leg with your sweet words...try it it is cool!

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Late Night Alumni by HAUNTED 2011

My personal war was over
in the ashes
Ive lost my love that was more than year and now by the time
I feel the waves of love for my new life
with that olf fashion club music I feel very light
try it is good enough for a long night of love and sweat oh yeah!

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vendredi 11 février 2011

jeudi 10 février 2011

ANIMAL KINGDOM Signs & Wonders

This record is a master piece and I played it all the last months long when I was painting, cooking, watching my children loving my sweet love so try it its to get it love is a drug and this record....

SONIC YOUTH Simon Werner a disparu

L'univers menaçant et mélancolique de ce groupe au nom si épatant se retrouve intact. La pochette et l affiche du film j adore...J ai toujours une théorie sur la beauté des pochettes et la musique en étroit lien c est un sujet que j'adore avec pleins d'exemples et contre exemples à dévoiler sur une prochaine chronique!

Their dark universe with a touch of melancholy is again my ears, intact. The cover and sleeve for the film I adore ... I always have a theory about the beauty of music covers and are in close connection it is a subject that I love with lots of examples and cons examples reveal a future text !
links in comment and buy it if you like it and watch the film!!!

lundi 31 janvier 2011


DeWolff is a three-headed rockmonster that crawled right out of the Mississippimud to shake, rattle and roll the world with some raw, psychedelic sixtiesbluesrock. Armed with a screaming Hammond-organ, a muddy, howling guitar, thunderous drums and a soulful voice, these three Wolf men take you back to those wonderful 60’s and 70’s, when bands like Led Zeppelin, Cream, Pink Floyd and Deep Purple ruled the world of rock ‘n’ roll.

Oui j ai vu ce groupe cette nuit sur WDR en live et la claque, comme si je voyais un concert de led Zeppelin des Cream et un peu des Doors par de jeunes mecs à peine sortis du berceau, c'est incroyable cette pêche et ce style, à écouter absolumment et surtout à voir en concert!

links in comment buy it if you like it!

jeudi 13 janvier 2011

My fav 2010

Island Vapours
Engineers - Three Fact Fader
Discovery - LP
Smith Westerns - Smith Westerns

Yes I am back working on new projects some new good exhibitions (I hope so!) and here is some music I listen when I am painting see in comments for links, cheers!!!

lundi 10 janvier 2011

Happy new year!!

Happy New Year!
I am back on the net after a few complicated months with some new music or info ...

Bonne année à tous!
Je reviens sur le net après quelques mois compliqués avec de nouvelles musiques ou info...
